The Big Katrina Fuckup

For days I have been following the incredible and outraging events following the Hurricane Katrina but as Fefe has been digging up the dirt quite well and I sort of thought this time the evil empire would finally lose, I didn’t really know what to blog.

Trying to follow the interesting news, I found the following sources quite helpful and I would recommend subscribing to them:

It is getting clearer now that the US government is trying to cover its fuckup by all means, including violently stopping the media from reporting, blocking both the people outside and inside the desaster from information flowing. And its getting even worse. Worse than I could imagine. Reports of rape and murder in the Astrodome (in Houston!), the army bombing the levees to protect rich city areas and much more depressing stuff. I am not going to summarize it all here as the list of things happening and being reported is apparently endless.

Instead I urge you to follow Jacob Appelbaum’s blog who has moved to Houston yesterday and reports from the Astrodome and summarizes other information he gets on site:

He is also in close contact with the great people at Boing Boing who cover his activities as well.

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