My friend Kirian Scheuplein is a gifted artist and a great video director. She was the driving force behind the documentaries on the Blinkenlights and Arcade projects. Her little company is named CreAtmosFairy which is a funny but well-selected name for what she is doing: create atmosphere like a fairy tale. And a fairy she is!
Now she has relaunched her web site and she has done a very good job providing an overview over her exceptional work on the web. This blog is usually not for commercial promotion, but this must be an exception.
Her showreel provides a good overview on what she does. But her music videos, short films and documentaries are also more than worth looking at.
Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein
I always turned my back to PHP because of some real uglinesses. But this article by Adam Trachtenberg on makes me hope and raises interest in the tool. Seems as if PHP5 is bringing new hope to web development.
Larry Hagman speaks
Weil es die Süddeutsche aus ihrem Online-Archiv genommen hat, aber vor allem, weil es ein erfreuliches Stück Text voller Offenheit und Charmanz ist, muss darauf verwiesen werden: das Interview der Süddeutschen Zeitung mit Larry Hagman aus dem Jahr 2002.
Ich muss ja zugeben, früher selbst ein manischer Fan dieser Fernsehserie gewesen zu sein, die damals der totale Straßenfeger gewesen ist. Ich hätte allerdings nicht gedacht, daß hinter dem bitterbösen J.R. ein so cooler Typ steckte. Respekt.
AIM is a nightmare
I have been using AIM for quite some time now and I generally appreciate the kind of communication modes instant messaging allows. But AIM (and using it with iChat in particular) has a bunch of problems that are really annoying.
- No secure communication. Neither PGP/GPG based encryption of end-to-end communication nor (at least) SSL based encryption to the server is possible.
- The buddy list is limited to 150 users so I constantly have to kick out people to include others.
- No means to approve somebody to allow him to include yourself in his/her buddy list. You get watched by people you don‘t know or at least you don‘t know they‘re watching you.
I am very glad Apple is moving to Jabber protocols with iChat in Tiger and provides encrypted communications. Jabber solves all the problems above but I don‘t get why AOL is not doing anything about this.
So I am just complaining and as stupid as I am I keep using it for the sake of improved usability. The only IM client that is catching up with iChat is Proteus which I can only recommend, especially if you‘re using more than one account. iChat‘s sounds are still above everything else.
Plugin Collaboration
Haven‘t read this at many places: the Mozilla projects gets support by Apple, Macromedia, Opera and Sun for a new architecture for web browser plugins. Read about it at
The Tiger Update
So the waiting is over for now. I had a bunch of expectations for the new release of Mac OS X and now that the cat is more or less out of the bag, it‘s time to compare my wishes with what will be delivered.
The feature I have been waiting for a long time is the correct handling of metadata on the Mac. And it seems as if Apple has made good use of the time they spent on thinking about the right strategy. Take a look at Spotlight to get an idea, of what Apple wants to deliver.
The good news is that Apple is setting the knife on the biggest shortcoming of OS X so far: lack of metadata (data about data) support in the file system. While HFS+ was built for storing and accessing metadata from the beginning, OS X did not make much use of it and the underlying Darwin layer did more or less ignore metadata stored in the files. The biggest problem is backups: it is almost impossible to back up a OS X system with the onboard tools. You have to use at least on tool out there to get rid of that. But I believe backup up a system (especially syncing the data to an already existing backup copying just the changes) should be a core feature that must work without buying expensive tools that introduce other bugs or limitations. In Tiger, the UNIX Userland (the Darwin command line programs) all gain access to metadata. So you can then copy a file with cp or create an archive with tar and retain the complete structure. On Panther, files with metadata get silently destroyed by these tools and this was a headache not only for novices. The introduction of access control lists (ACLs) makes administration for systems with many users a lot easier. The good integration in the GUI receives my applause as well. I just hope it will be stable from the beginning.
Another welcome addition is the introduction of the launchd subsystem that takes care of starting, stopping and restarting background services, unifying access to programs both from UNIX and Mac OS heritage. This might allow for less booting at installation time as programs might be able to register and start their drivers and background processes in a well-defined way, removing the need for a clean bootstrap phase. Technically, there is almost no need to boot OS X at all when installing software, but it is done by many programs still (even Apple‘s). This has to go away and the launchd approach seems pretty sane to me. If launchd does to launching what lookupd did to name lookup on OS X, admins will get more sleep.
The second biggest advancement in my point of view is the introduction of the Jabber protocol to iChat. I know, most people will primarily thrilled by the audio and video conferencing features (I am too), but the move to the IEEE standard XMPP protocols means much interoperability, more security and customizability for smaller and bigger organizations.
Mac OS X Server includes an „iChat Server“ which I guess is just a well-integrated jabberd process with a nice admin GUI. This server can handle your domain and allows for secure connections with SSL. The new iChat will register on your server instead of AOL‘s and will only open connections on the Internet if you want to talk to somebody outside of your networks. This makes iChat usuable in corporations that do business and don‘t want their discussions go unencrypted on the network. Also, the move to Jabber eliminates the absurd limit of 150 people on your buddy list which is already my biggest problem with the AIM system.
Interestingly, iChat has used the Jabber protocol for a long time already: the Rendezvous chat function works using Jabber instead of AOL‘s Oscar protocol. That‘s why I never feared Apple would not do the move. But it‘s good to know it‘s actually happening and that they are entering the IM Server market as well. This is another good reason getting Mac OS X which has been the best UNIX integration I have ever seen already. Tiger will improve on this tremendously.
Another area that Apple addresses perfectly is Weblogs. They are going to throw in first class RSS support in Safari with a really well thought-out user interface. Applause again, the team really hit the point. Use Google for „old“, „static“ information. Use RSS for searching up-to-date, fast-changing information from the sources YOU define. This is really great.
What is even better is that Mac OS X Server packs a Weblog Server (it is actually Blosjom) as well, making OS X the ideal tool for class rooms. I have done this a while ago: weblogs for students are a perfect way of keeping everybody busy reporting on the progress. What was missing was the integration with the user database for simple authentication. Being able to sign on to login, file sharing, instant messaging, weblog services and all the other cool services in OS X is breathtaking. Setting up something like this can take weeks on a Linux box and in the end you‘ll find the integration is probably not that well. With OS X Server this can be done in minutes. Additionally, Apple packs automatic cluster building so that a second machine can take over at any time the primary server fails. Clap clap.
I have been using Konfabulator for a while and although I was not that impressed by it‘s overall speed, some tools have been quite handy like the iChat Bezel and the cool Weather widget. Now, Apple integrates Konfabulator in OS X under the name Dashboard and we‘ll see a wealth of new, fancy widgets sprawl once Tiger ships. The Exposé-style appearance of the widget is just the right way to do it: I have played around with the widgets a lot and found their co-presence usually annoying. But once you wanna use them it important to be able to access them fast. The „put it on top and remove it fast afterwards“ approach is a winner in my point of view.
I could applaud a couple more of the additions, but I wanted to turn my focus more in the lesser discussed aspects and leave the praising to the Macintosh weblog world. But I also need to look at what is still missing in this new OS.
First let me say that I expect much more to come to Tiger than what was presented at WWDC. Apple focused on new technology that desperately needs fast developer adoption if it should succeed: Dashboard is useless without Widgets and Spotlight needs applications to open their internals to the search APIs. This will happen, I am sure. RSS is already here and Apple‘s support will promote Weblogs in public to what the net underground already knows they are: first class citizens in the web world. This is good for the infrastructure of the web and will enhance the usability of web sites tremendously, I am sure. Some idiots will remain filling their sites with Flash crap and other mindless additions. But many people will turn to the basic idea of the Semantic Web once they discover the power of the new Safari and tools like NetNewsWire that will for sure make good use of the new technologies featured (i.e. the Atom API).
So what‘s missing? The new Finder. Oh, hadn‘t we had already a couple of new Finders recently? Yes. Apple showed off a new Finder almost every 18 months. But it never catched up with Moore‘s Law and is still the stinky little bastard it was on System 7. What‘s wrong? The Finder is slow. The Finder is NOT multi-threaded (although this feature was pretended to be there every now and then). The Finder is NOT stable (it crashed daily on my system). We need a new Finder. It might look the same, but it desperately needs an internal restructuring to make working with the beast a pleasure. Also, the Finder needs transparent support for archives (I wanna see the contents without unpacking them) and nobody on this planet understands why WebDAV can‘t run over HTTPS. This is a top-rank security problem! So Apple: speed it up and make HTTPS ubiquitous in OS X, allowing every app to access anything over HTTPS where it already can in HTTP.
This brings me to another point of praise: although no screen shots or demos have been published so far, the description of Mac OS X Server Tiger promises graphical tools for certificate creation and management. This is so desperately missed in this world today I would pay for the tools now. Hopefully, this will allow universal deployment of encrypted services throughout the workflow.
Fold your own CD case
Need a double CD case and you have nothing but a piece of paper? No problem. Just follow the instructions by Jorma Oksanen.
The Automatic Paint Machine
This is the kind of tool only geeks can invent: a device for a bike that receives messages via SMS that sprays the message on the ground while driving around. Have a look at the video. Impressive. It‘s used to distribute anti-Bush propaganda on the streets („Bikes Against Bush“).
Blog Pause
The last month has been my longest pause from blogging so far – anybody needs a break from time to time. As reported, i have been spending a huge amount of time doing wiki things and is has been a very deep and welcome experience for me. And I am happy with the results.
I am going to cover some of these experiences here soon I hope.
Also, I am thinking of moving to a new weblog platform but haven‘t had time to throughly research a proper solution. MT is definitely out although I appreciated it‘s flexibility in many ways. But I want to go for an open source solution that secures my migration paths. I you have well-funded experiences with something I am open for suggestions.
Blinkenlights talk in Salzburg, Austria
I am going to hold a talk on Blinkenlights tomorrow at FH Salzburg in Austria. I you want to join, try to get information from them as there is no web page announcing the talk itself as it seems. But once you‘re there, you‘ll find it easily I guess.