Adium 1.0 Release

The free (as in freedom) IM client Adium for Mac OS X has made it to 1.0 release. Congratuliations. I am even more looking forward to version 1.1 as it will bring a supercomplete XMPP implementation (update: according to a recent blog post by the developers it might not happen so soon), but having followed the development of Adium over the last year or two I want to express my sincere thankfulness for this project that has produced one of the most advanced Macintosh program available for this platform today. I am looking forward to even greater stuff in the near future. Good look and keep up the good work.

For all of you looking for a great IM client providing access to almost all avilable networks on this planet, check out the duck. It is your friend.

3 Gedanken zu „Adium 1.0 Release

  1. Didn’t know about that blog posting. So it seems the complete Jabber implementation is not around the corner. I still hope that XMPP is going to be the center of improvement in the near future. We will see.

    On the other hand, I am quite happy that Java won’t be a core part of Adium :)

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