Wafa Sultan speaks up

Wafa Sultan is a secular psychologist of Syrian-American origin. Go read more about her on Wikipedia to get the background. Although she is quite well-known for her part in the the public discussion on the clash of civilizations her recent appearance on Al Jazeera has spread on the Internet like wildfire.

Have a look for yourself: Wafa Sultan on Al Jazeera (MPEG-4 H.264, 5:28 min, 30.4 MB)

The recording was provided by Memri TV (The Middle Easte Media Research Institute TV Monitor Project). Too bad the recordings are only available in WMV, but Memri TV provides an interesting view on the Arab world. There is a special section on Al Qaeda as well.

2 Gedanken zu „Wafa Sultan speaks up

  1. Pingback: riotfunk » Blog Archive » stones, jews and german restaurants

  2. Its time for people to admit that not all things are equal…We can not continue to live in a world where everyone and everything is accepted and subsequently justified on the grounds of religious and or cultural beliefs. If you are a religious person chances are your not very intelligent in fact the relationship between intelligence and faith has got to be inversely correlated. GET OVER IT!! Thank you Wafa Sultan, but those of us who have been paying attention knew that already.

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