Does anybody now how to prevent Mac OS X of creating .DS_Store files (at least for selected directories)? It’s so annoying as it comes in my so many times – especially when working with command line based version control systems like CVS or SVN.
I don’t understand why Mac OS X 10.4 still retains this „feature“ as the new meta-data storage methods should provide an alternative. *Sigh*.
One could make a mach injection bundle that disables this ‚functionality‘ in the Finder. It would involve a little bit of reverse engineering, but if you’re interested, I could look into it. Would surely be an interesting project for the MacHackers in Bonn.
You may add .DS_Store to bash’s FIGNORE to get the completion right. svn:ignore could help with svn but, yes, these are only workarounds.
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The problem with SVN is that ignoring is not enough as the automatically generated files prevent svn from purging empty directories which can break scripts et al.
$ grep ignore ~/.subversion/config
global-ignores = *.o *.lo *.la #*# .*.rej *.rej .*~ *~ .#* .DS_Store .FBCIndex .FBCLockFolder .xvpics
there’s another one to clean from „._“-files
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schon was aelter der eintrag hier, aber ich wollte es nur der vollstaendigkeit halber mal posten (loest allerdings das .DS_Store problem nur fuer netzwerk shares
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