Reloaded And Slashdotted

Oh my. Blinkenlights got slashdotted today and our little server had to cope with a lot of load. Oh yes, there it is, the Slashdot Effect. An article on the German Heise Newsticker kicked it off.

It‘s great to see the interest in the sequel of our project is certainly there. I am a bit afraid of the amount of mail we are about to receive in the coming days which already starts to trickle in. Björn‘s new BlinkenPaint program is such a beautiful little app – it grew from a simple simulator to a full-blown low-res animation editor with all the bells and whistles you expect to find and even more. It‘s going to make people even more creative.

So let‘s see how everything will develop. This weekend we are going to install the system and hopefully we are not going to run into too much trouble. When everything works, we‘ll try to hook it up with all the Blinkenlights gear about to show up at the Congress and for New Year‘s Eve we‘ll have the obvious big countdown running on the house. Big fun is it what it is meant to be. For us, for Berlin, for everyone.

If we are lucky, there will be a QuickTime stream of the installation and a web cam. We are also going to put out the real data stream the building is displaying so that you can receive and display it with our little simulator. If we are lucky…

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