SPAM: The One And Only

Spam CansMonty Python‘s famous spam sketch is already 33 years old and has been the eponym for one of the biggest annoyances of our time: unsolicited commercial email or UCE. However, UCE never really made it into the minds of people so spam is the term that everybody uses.

Well, this doesn‘t make the originally referenced product go away. SPAM (spiced pork and meat) is a tinned box by Hormel Foos Corporation. Having one of its product being associated with a undoubtably nasty thing can be pretty annoying. But Hormel stays cool.

On a dedicated page called Spam & The Internet, Hormel states that these things just happen and that they would consider the world being sufficiently polite if they would just write the slang word spam in lower case and continue to reference the actual product in upper case (SPAM).

I hereby swear that I will obey the rule in deep adoration of the original stuff.

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