Podcast Roundup: Chasing Windmills

I already blogged it, I’ll blog it again because it is still one of the gems out there in the video podcast universe: Chasing Windmills. This is a almost daily series of 3 to 5 minute black and white video episodes dealing with the daily life of a struggling urban couple. Struggling with their situation, struggling with their love, struggling with the themselves. I am watching this for months now and I am not getting tired of it (Video Podcast Feed).

I still don’t get how they are doing it but I can only hope they find a way to continue. Although I can recommend some episodes here the only way to get into things is following it for a while. Once you get the basic parameters of the story, you’re hooked.

jadelr’s notebook is a blog that provides a look behind the scenes of the Chasing Windmills production that you might want to follow once you’re hooked. They also provide some clips off the scene while shooting like this one. The whole music soundtrack is produced by a single guitar just playing some chords. Here is another background video that explains that.

I think I could go on and on on this one. You really have to check it out for yourself. An to Jadelr and Cristina: you totally rock. Love your stuff.

Podcast Roundup: Democracy Now!

I feel my recommended video podcast of the day must match the audio podcast I named and there is only one way to go: Democracy Now! („The War and Peace report“ ) is a podcasted one-hour TV news show hosted by acclaimed journalist Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. The show is shown on around 400 american TV channels and some satellite channels but the podcast is also a very important outlet for them. (Audio Podcast Feed, Audio Podcast in iTunes, Video Podcast Feed, Video podcast in ITunes).

Democracy Now is difficult to follow as it is a full hour of news every day. But it is well-worth diving in every now and then especially in times of global disaster. Democracy Now is pure news, information from the real sources. Amy Goodman is one of the leading figures of the intellectual resistance in the USA and a very impressive person.

Democracy Now! is also known for showing video coverage in pure unedited form. Recently they showed videos of vistims of american soldiers using chemical weapons in Iraq among other stuff. But it is the real news. If you have been looking for it, here you might find it.

Podcast Roundup: AudioCommunique

My audio podcast of the day is one of the more important policital podcasts in my point of view I can only recommend to subscribe to: AudioCommunique by bicyclemark (Podcast Feed, AudioCommunique in iTunes). I can also recommend subscribing to his blog which provides extra value.

Mark calls himself a „Portuguese-American, radical, activist-blogger, podjournalist, and citizen reporter“ and produces 2 to 3 shows a week of around 25 minutes length. In it, he presents views on international affairs, policitics and cultural developments. Mark lives in Amsterdam. Some episodes are just spoken by him, but many times he interviews people with in-depth views on various issues.

Recommended episodes:

This podcast is very high on my list and one of those where I try to not miss a single episode.

I am chaos

„I am chaos. I am the substance from which your artists and scientists build rhythms. I am the spirit with which your children and clowns laugh in happy anarchy. I am chaos. I am alive, and I tell you that you are free.“

Eris, Goddess Of Chaos, Discord & Confusion

Podcast Reviews

After having listened to Podcasts and watched video podcasts for some months I have now finally got my subscription lists in order and will start an extensive review of what I think is cool and what is essential and what sucks.

I am going to review english podcasts in English and German podcasts in german.