Not really new, but still an interesting piece: What you really die from lists the top 10 causes of death in the United States in 1999. Suprisingly, terrorism is not among them.
Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein
New 2600 Shirts
Our friends of 2600 have brought out new shirts. Rumour has it they will be available at the Camp.
Also online: the cover art of the Winter 2002 edition of 2600 Magazine showing the Big Brother face on the facade of the Bibliothèque nationale de France with Blinkenlights Arcade.
OS X: More Internet
The More Internet preference pane solves a problem that seems to remain even in the latest beta of Panther: there is no way to set (or even: view!) the list of registered helper application registered for certain protocol schemes or MIME media types. Simple clean solution.
Alter Ego
My alter ego, Theodor Prinz, has started a weblog in German.
Camp Conference Topics
nice site
The truth about Germany
The whole truth is revealed in Scott Anderson‘s excellent piece on German Toilets.
UserLand adopts Trackback
Trackback is one of the more nifty features of the Movable Type weblog system. It allows blogging web sites to „tell“ other sites that they have been linked. The system works via a single „ping“ XML-RPC call that passes over the URL of the linking web page, a short description or excerpt and the title of the news item.
Long suffering from the not-invented-here-syndrome, UserLand, maker of the blogging software Radio has implemented Trackback as well opening up dynamic link reporting to many thousand sites more. This is a good thing (TM). Congratulations.
UserLand adopts Trackback
Trackback is one of the more nifty features of the Movable Type weblog system. It allows blogging web sites to „tell“ other sites that they have been linked. The system works via a single „ping“ XML-RPC call that passes over the URL of the linking web page, a short description or excerpt and the title of the news item.
Long suffering from the not-invented-here-syndrome, UserLand, maker of the blogging software Radio has implemented Trackback as well opening up dynamic link reporting to many thousand sites more. This is a good thing (TM). Congratulations.
UserLand adopts Trackback
Trackback is one of the more nifty features of the Movable Type weblog system. It allows blogging web sites to „tell“ other sites that they have been linked. The system works via a single „ping“ XML-RPC call that passes over the URL of the linking web page, a short description or excerpt and the title of the news item.
Long suffering from the not-invented-here-syndrome, UserLand, maker of the blogging software Radio has implemented Trackback as well opening up dynamic link reporting to many thousand sites more. This is a good thing (TM). Congratulations.
The browser war continues
Peter-Paul Koch has written an very interesting article on the continuing browser war. He points out the historical details on which product supported which standard and elaborates on why he thinks there is still competion for Microsofts Internet Explorer.