So, instead of posting new pictures here, we have opened a Camp Photo Pool with new updates every day. Pictures are by „für Harald & Erhard“ who have already done a great job for our Blinkenlights project.
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Camp Photo Pool
So, instead of posting new pictures here, we have opened a Camp Photo Pool with new updates every day. Pictures are by „für Harald & Erhard“ who have already done a great job for our Blinkenlights project.
Camp Photo Update #3
More Camp photography
Camp production progress is still high. More images from the Camp site.
All photos by Für Harald & Erhard.
UPDATE: The Gimp crew has posted their own photo album at their developer site.
Camp Status Report
Setup work for the camp is making great progress. Most of the big tents are standing now, including the Hackcenter and some project tents. The NOC is working on enabling our Internet link and the DECT telephony infrastructure is going to be in place soon as well. The weather is great and the Lovely Lake provides a soothing swimming experience.
If you find any online press reports on the Camp, please contribute links as comments here. Thanks.
Camp: good weather ahead
Bright sunshine the whole week: forecast says the Camp is going to have the best weather possible.
So don‘t forget to bring your sunglasses and screen covers.
Camp construction update
Camp Conference Schedule 0.2
Version 0.2 of the Camp Conference Schedule is available now. There have been some significant enhancements and adjustments (as usual)
The CCC is known for releasing the schedule of our events pretty late and for a reason: many proposals come in the final days and much of it usually has some significant relation to current problems and topics.
More on Amazon RSS feeds
There is a online tool for building your own RSS feeds from [Notes from my terminal]
Camp construction work has begun