Waking up

It’s been another long night. On the Autobahn. In the snow. It’s winter. I need a break.

After visiting FOSDEM, I was heading to Amsterdam talking to people of the What The Hack organization about this and that. The CCC is going to be pretty much involved in that event and I am going to talk about it much more about this here in the coming months.

On the way back from Amsterdam to Berlin we made a stop in Hamburg, visiting the CCC in Hamburg. We arrived pretty late due to the snow but we had a chance to meet a couple of old and new people and to have a chat. Everybody is suprisingly relaxed about the organisation of Easterhegg 2005 but I guess this will change soon as the event starts in three weeks.

Now I am back in Berlin, in hacker jet-lag. Must… adopt… to… real… world…

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