Blinkenlights History: Moscow 1977

kalinin-prospekt-ccc.jpgThis picture has just been passed over to me. The picture was taken by the russian photographer Victor Achlomov (Виктор Ахломов) in 1977 at Kalinin Prospect in 1977!. Actually the clip here just shows a part of picture. Here is the full photo which reveals that this is actually part of soviet propaganda showing a СССР (USSR) on four big buildings.

The photograph was just part on an exhibition called Berlin-Moscow/Moscow-Berlin 1950-2000 that took place at Martin-Gropius-Bau here in Berlin. Unfortunately, the exhibition just closed and I missed it.

This is one of the earliest demonstration of the Blinkenlights concept I know of. But I am aware there is another similar thing being done in GDR for on of their party conventions. Have to dig that out as well.

If anybody capable of reading russian might be able to look for this photograph in the russian web space — I would be more than happy to get a link.

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